What is the transit time of inventory sent from Hong Kong to the UK?
Three days by air freight/courier and approximately 28 days by ocean freight via Southampton.
What are the main carriers you use to deliver orders to customers?
Royal Mail, Deutsche Post, Spring, Yodel, DHL and UK Mail.
How long does the warehouse ‘stock in’ process take before I can distribute from my inventory?
Stock in is undertaken same day as stock arrival at the Western Eye warehouse.
When will the updated inventory be visible online after stock delivery?
It is visible instantly, once the new inventory has been stocked in.
What are the options for returns processing after data entry reporting back to the client?
The client has the choice of a) return to stock (for unopened items), b) return to the client so that claim can be made against manufacturer/wholesaler, or c) goods can be disposed of locally.
Apart from your knowledge of the Hong Kong and China e-commerce seller objectives in Europe, what distinguishes Western Eye Limited above the competition?
Western Eye Limited’s people: Many staff and advisers have joined us from key positions in the global logistics industry, especially HK/China where their knowledge has added significant value to the service offered across all areas, from freight management, fulfilment and mail flow to providing support with marketing strategies and local compliance.